The Impact of Drugs and Alcohol on Our Bodies and Society

Addictive substances, such as drugs and alcohol, have plagued our society for centuries. While some individuals may enjoy the momentary effects of a drug or two, the long-term effects on the body and society as a whole are costly. This article will discuss the impact of addiction on the body and the kind of damage it can cause to society, as well as how we can reduce its prevalence through education about the risks associated with such substances and the implementation of drug and alcohol policies in workplaces and schools.

In terms of our physical health, drug and alcohol consumption can have severe consequences. In mild cases, it can lead to headaches, memory loss, problems with coordination. In more extreme cases, addiction can cause heart attacks, strokes, liver and kidney damage, and other conditions. At the most extreme, addiction can lead to death. Furthermore, addiction can make it difficult for people to get ahead in life. Addicts often have fewer options in terms of jobs, education, and housing, making it hard to escape the cycle of poverty.

In terms of societal costs, the impact of addiction is also grim. Each year, crime is linked to drug and alcohol use, with handguns being the weapon of choice in many cases. Drug and alcohol abuse also increase instances of domestic violence, with alcohol being a factor in 40% of all violent crimes.

Moreover, the economic costs associated with drug and alcohol consumption are staggering. Aside from billions of dollars spent on law enforcement, medical costs associated with addiction are skyrocketing. The U.S. government also spends billions of dollars on programs to combat addiction. In addition, countless hours are lost each year due to absenteeism, workers compensation, and other costs that employers must incur in order to accommodate or treat employees with addiction issues.

Fortunately, there are some steps that we can take to reduce addiction. The first is a zero tolerance policy when it comes to drug and alcohol use in the workplace. Employers should seek to ensure that no one is using drugs or alcohol while on the job. Second, educational programs in schools should be implemented to educate students on the dangers of drugs and alcohol. Finally, special drug and alcohol policies should be in place to deter potential abusers from consuming these substances.

In summation, addiction to drugs and alcohol has far-reaching impacts on both the individual and society as a whole. It can cause severe physical and psychological damage to individuals, and it can lead to an increased prevalence of crime and economic costs for society. It is essential to educate the public on the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse and to implement zero tolerance policies in workplaces in order to reduce the prevalence of addiction. By doing so, we can create a safer and healthier society for all.

Reasons Behind the Obsession and How to Break It

Everyone has seen or experienced addiction at some point in their lives. Whether it’s alcoholism, buying new gadgets, or compulsively scrolling through social media, addiction is an undeniable part of our society. The cause of these addictive tendencies can vary depending on the individual. This article will explore the causes for addiction, its consequences and how to break it.

Most addictions are caused by changes in the brain’s reward system. A person’s reward system is made up of certain areas of the brain that respond positively to certain activities. This could be anything from eating food to using drugs.

These areas of the brain are not only responsible for the pleasurable sensations associated with these activities, but they can also cause a feeling of want or need when the activity is repeated. This can eventually lead to an addictively habit-forming behavior that is difficult to break, even after the individual is aware of the consequences.

The causes of addiction can be both environmental and physiological. Stress in particular, is a powerful factor in developing addictive habits. People turn to drugs and alcohol as a way to cope with their stressors, or they might find comfort in an activity like shopping or gambling. It also becomes a form of self-medication, as addicts seek out forms of relief from the pain and challenges they are enduring.

Understanding the underlying causes of addictive behavior is essential in overcoming addictions. In some cases, therapy and medication can help treat underlying mental and physical disorders that could be driving addiction. For those who do not have any underlying mental health issues, abstaining from addictive activities is an important step. This can involve staying away from certain environments or activities that can make an individual particularly vulnerable to their addictions.

In addition to abstention, other things that may work for some people involve finding an alternate activity that can bring the same rewards as the addictive behavior. This can be anything from sports to hobbies, art or even therapy. Additionally, talking to family and friends about addiction is also a key step in recovery. Even if they don’t understand what the addict is going through, having a support system can make the recovery process easier.

Breaking addictive tendencies can be a difficult process, but it is achievable. It is important to remember that everyone is different, and each person’s recovery experience will be unique. With help from family, friends and professionals, it is possible to find the route towards a healthier lifestyle.

Examining the Impact of Ads on Society

Advertising has become an integral part of modern society. Millions of dollars are spent every day on ads promoting products and services. Unfortunately, many of these ads have a dark side. They often promote addictive behaviors, creating a cycle of dependency and reliance on substances that can be harmful. In this article, we will examine how advertising promotes addictive tendencies in society and the impact these ads can have.

The influence of advertising is undeniable. Even the most subtle marketing campaigns can influence the way people think and behave. Ads are designed to appeal to certain emotions and to create a sense of need or desire for the product or service being promoted. This is especially true when it comes to ads for alcohol, cigarettes, and other substances that are addictive.

For example, alcohol advertising often portrays drinking as a fun, glamorous and socially desirable activity. This encourages people to drink in excess or to use alcohol in a way that could be harmful to their health. Cigarette advertisements typically depict smoking as a sophisticated or sexy activity, creating the illusion that smoking is socially acceptable. This drives people to start smoking or to continue to do so even though they know it is harmful to their health.

The effects of advertising on addiction go beyond the moment. Studies have found that the impact of advertising on addiction can be felt for weeks or even months after ads are no longer viewed. This is because ads create an impression in people’s minds of a product or service that they should be using. For example, after seeing an advertisement for cigarettes, a person might continue to think about them and crave them even after the ad is no longer visible. This can lead to an increased risk of starting smoking or continuing to do so even if they are trying to quit.

Advertising can also make addictive behaviors more normal and acceptable. This is especially true when ads target certain age groups and demographics. For example, teenagers and young adults are more likely to experiment with drugs and alcohol. If these groups are exposed to ads that make substance use seem more socially acceptable and accessible, they are at an increased risk for developing addictive behaviors.

Additionally, advertising can also be used to sell products that are deemed addictive. As more people become addicted to a particular substance or activity, businesses can use this to their advantage. For example, companies selling energy drinks or video games might emphasize how addictive their product is in their advertising. This encourages people to use the product more and increases the probability of addiction.

Finally, it is important to note that advertising has a powerful impact on people’s psychology. This is especially true when it comes to marketing addictive behaviors. Ads are designed to subtly persuade and manipulate people’s opinions and habits. They can create a false sense of need and create a desire within people to acquire a particular product or partake in a certain activity.

Advertising promotes addictive tendencies in society. It can lead to increased alcohol, cigarette, drug or other substance use and to addiction. Ad campaigns targeted at certain age groups and demographics can make addictive behaviors more normal and acceptable. Additionally, businesses can use ads to market products that are addictive. It is important to be aware of the potential dangers of advertising and its influence on the development of addictive behaviors.

Places and events that encourages alcohol addiction

Alcohol addiction is one of the major forms of addiction in the world alongside with drug addiction. It often starts with the individual abusing alcohol due to several reasons like peer pressure, curiosity and the likes.

Eventually, the abuse develops into an addiction which becomes powerful, obsessive and compulsive.  

It would interest you to know that there are some places or events that induce alcohol addiction. This is one of the major reasons why, during rehab, the recovering individual is often advised to avoid some places so that the cravings would not resurface.

Below are some places/events that encourages addiction to alcohol:

  • Bar

If you don’t want to get addicted to alcohol, the bar is one place you should not go to. Usually, there are variety of drinks for you to select from. And sometimes, drinks are often on the house. With this, alcohol abuse is regularly encouraged, which later results into alcohol addiction.

When some individuals are feeling distraught, going to the bar is one of the first places that comes to their mind. Doing this act only helps to spur addiction on and nothing else. Also, if you have friends who visit the bar more often than usual, there is a tendency you will be invited to join them.

  • Parties

If you are someone who attends parties regularly, there is a good chance that you will get addicted to alcohol. These days, parties are not complete without alcohol particularly for parties where the attendees are above the age of 18.

These days, several people do not see the wrong in taking too much alcohol. And one reason is because, they derive too much pleasure from it. To avoid alcohol addiction, you would have to cut down on your parties’ attendance.

  • Nightclub

The nightclub is another easy means to get addicted to alcohol. At a nightclub, hardly will you see anyone not taking alcohol. People who frequent nightclubs are likely to get addicted to alcohol in the shortest possible time.  

3 Marketing mediums to enlighten people about addiction

The prevalence of addiction is more widespread than before. As people, corporate bodies and organizations strive to reduce the rate of addiction, other mediums encourage addiction. One of the proficient means to make sure the rate of addiction reduces, is by using effective marketing means to enlighten people.

Here are 3 marketing mediums to teach people about addiction:

  • Word of Mouth Marketing

Word of Mouth marketing has been one of the most proficient marketing means even before the internet was invented. And the interesting fact is, if the normal marketing mediums fade off in due time, word of mouth marketing will last forever.

The reason for this is, talking is an integral part of us. In our day-to-day activities, we market various products and services with our mouths without being aware.

In the enlightenment of people about addiction, word of mouth marketing would come in handy because it is easy to convince people when you speak. Word of Mouth marketing can even be done proficiently on the internet, the media space, real-life campaigns and a host of others.

  • Social Media

With the invention of the internet, the social media has proved to be one of the strongest force in marketing and communication. Almost everyone is on one social media platform or the other and this has made it very easy to spread information at the speed of light.

People learn different things from the various social media platforms available, and it would be a great idea to increase the awareness of addiction. There are several people who do not know they are addicted. Heck! There are a number of people who know they are addicted but they do not know it is bad.

If it is done expertly, the social media would be a great means to educate people about the ills of addiction.  

  • Print Media

Even though the social media seems to have edged out the print media, it is still very effective in marketing. The print media can be used to spread truths about addiction, and those who can read or interpret images depicting the ills of addiction would be able to get the message. 


Marketing is a very interesting field, and it has taken a new turn. These days, marketing does not involve educating prospective customers about various services so that they can make the right decision.

Marketing these days employs the use of emotional strategies and influencing tactic so that customers can make their decisions based on what product to buy, using their emotions basically.

This is the danger which is inherent in the addiction process.

Addiction is as a result of indulging in an obsessive and compulsive act or substance use, in order to derive pleasure.

These days, marketing has rebranded these acts as being normal and this is why people do not really have an understanding of what addiction is.

Taking substance addiction for example, it results from substance abuse, and this is promoted by marketing.

You will see alcohol being rebranded as something which ensures you are active and not dull.

The sad part is, the side-effects which comes with alcohol are not usually highlighted, so that prospective customers would not be dissuaded from buying it.

Addiction has lots of negative effects, and for those who think there are positive effects, they are usually short-lived.

In the long run, if an individual’s addiction is not well catered for, the person could die in the process as a result of damage to the internal organs of the body.

Therefore, it is necessary that those who are addicted should seek treatment before it is too late.

One of the set of people who are at the forefront in the fight against substance abuse or any form of addiction, are health practitioners.

Hence, it is advised that they use marketing as a means to sensitize their locality on the detrimental effects of addiction.

The means of marketing should be top-notch, so that it can promote the exact intended message.

Once this is done on a regular basis, it is certain that people would have a good understanding of how addiction works, and this would reduce the rate of addiction in the populace of a nation.


It is a well-known fact that the purpose of marketing is to make us aware of certain things which we most times, do not need at that moment. However, it could happen that periods could arise when we would be in dire need of those products, and we would search for them painstakingly.

It can be said that the proficiency of the marketing methods used prior to when you needed the product, would determine if you would get it promptly or not.

Also, most times, marketing makes some content available to us which we do not take full consciousness of, except for certain contents such as money, food, sex and alcohol. When it comes to the aforementioned contents, it would interest you to know that, it would be difficult for you to forget.

When it comes to addiction, marketing has played a huge role in making it known to people; even making some of them getting addicted in the process.

Marketers put up addictive items for sale, such as food or alcohol, in such a manner that it would not look harmful, and there would be a subtle advocate for the absence of self-control.

Someone who is well-informed, would tell you the rate at which the product should be used. However, the marketer would make no mention of that, and would also leave out the possible consequences which come with taking or using the product more than usual.

Taking alcohol for example, a good number of marketers show alcohol as something which can be consumed and have no side-effects. It is usually portrayed as something which comes with great rewards.

When addicts come across these advertisements, it becomes even harder for them to quit, as they would come to believe that the product would bring no harm to them. Hence, it reduces the light of the situation, making it look less serious than it should actually be.

Conclusively, it can be said that marketing has done more harm than good when it comes to the misrepresentation which it has shown of addictive substances, and this act is currently on the rise.

Deceptive Advertising Normalizes Addiction

There is a very fine line between puffed-up claims and outright false, or deceptive, advertising. Though in most countries, advertising law protects consumers from intentionally confusing, misleading or untrue statements, there are many ways to skirt the regulations. While not illegal, many advertising practices would certainly qualify as unethical: hidden fees for products and services – prices marked with an asterisk are usually a good indicator that you will not be getting the exact advertised item at the listed price; misleading claims, that are not outright lies; ambiguous photography – such as realtors or hotel management using angles and tricks of the light to make rooms appear larger.

Worse than that, though, are marketing campaigns that fail to mention the dangers of addiction, or that attempt to normalize risky behaviours. In North America, prescription drug advertising must include warnings about any side effects or potential for addiction. Most alcohol promotions also ask the consumer to use good judgement, drink responsibly, and to not drink and drive. Some casino and lottery commercials remind the viewer that the odds are not in their favour and to exercise caution when gambling. But what if the leading coffee shops had to include warnings in their marketing material about the dangers of caffeine consumption? What if fast food restaurants had to disclose that their products can be highly addictive and contribute to obesity and poor health?

Commercial advertising is often harmful and though some say that advertising is merely reflecting us back to ourselves and giving us what we want, it does not really give us the intangible goods such as love, community, self-esteem, and friendship, that it uses to sell us tangible, material ones (TR Piety, 2001). And when the advertiser cannot, with 100% certainty, predict who will be viewing their commercials – or worse yet, when minors are specifically targeted by deceptive advertising – our youth are receiving mixed messages. They might be told outright to “just say no” to drugs, but are still bombarded by cigarette, alcohol and prescription drug advertising depicting attractive people living glamourous lives.

We are being sold commodities as surrogates to fill the perceived voids in our lives which encourages an addict mentality. Both the psychology of commercial advertising and marketing and the psychology of addiction appear to be characterized by denial, escapism, narcissism, isolation, insatiability, impatience, and diminished sensitivity; and while advertising appeals to these impulses, addiction is marked by them. (TR Piety, 2001) And though we know that commercial advertising depicts false situations realistically, it’s hard not to fall victim to the temptation posed by the lifestyle they project.

“Everyone Is Doing It!”

“Everyone else is doing it!” Does that sound familiar? A phrase that hearkens back to grade school days, or even beyond: if all my friends are doing something, why can’t I? “Jimmy’s Mom lets him eat candy every day!”; “If all the cool kids are seeing that R-rated movie, why shouldn’t I?”; “Everyone in my grade has already tried drinking and drugs except me!”; “I must be the only virgin left in college”; and the lists goes on and on. Peer pressure, or even the appearance of it, can be a powerful thing. And while society is fairly well equipped to handle peer pressure in childhood and adolescence, we may not know how to deal so well with “Everyone is doing it” as adults.

It is a harmful mindset – one in which risky behaviours like using drugs, gambling, or flirting with the law, are made to seem more socially acceptable as it’s implied that everyone is already doing it. The danger is even greater for young adults – in addition to navigating such difficulties as discovering their identities and establishing their adult lives and relationships, their actual physiology also puts them at risk as, in late adolescence and early adulthood, brain chemistry is quite susceptible to the social rewards that accompany risky behaviour (Webber, Soder, Potts, Park, and Bornolova, 2017). We have intrinsic motives for wishing to conform to our peers: we seek to avoid rejection and be accepted by the members of our social group, we’re creating or maintaining our image, or aligning ourselves with those we feel have higher status (Fishbach & Tu, 2016; Nail, MacDonald, & Levy, 2000). If our social identity defines who we are, then we might feel more inclined to imitate the behaviour of someone we seek to emulate.

Advertisers use this desire to belong in order to sell – whether it be alcohol, food, clothing, vacations, gaming, or any other risky choice – in the same way a drug dealer would pressure a high-schooler to try their product. Even though the adult approach is far more polished, we shouldn’t be taken in by such schoolyard tactics as peer pressure: “Everyone is doing it!” Why can we see clearly enough to dissuade our children, and yet fall for the same strategies ourselves? And why should I conform even if everyone is acting inappropriately, for as Saint Augustine is reported to have said, “Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.”?

Selling the Party Scene

Glamorous people, exotic locations, exclusive clubs, who wouldn’t want to be a part of the party scene? Haven’t we all wished for less responsibilities and more fun? It couldn’t hurt to have just one night out with friends – even if it means calling in sick to work the next day. But for some, one night out becomes a weekend away, then a constant desire to shirk their duties for more fun and more excitement. And that desire is precisely what advertisers work to create: a huge group of friends enjoying their favourite beer together at a sports bar while the home team wins the championship, beautiful celebrities drinking premium liquor at an exclusive VIP nightclub, a dozen lovely ladies whisking the bachelorette away for a luxurious weekend in Vegas… whatever the specifics, marketers are selling the party scene as an escape from our humdrum lives.

With workplace stress levels at an all-time high, many people are tired and vulnerable, and would love nothing more than to escape their day-to-day responsibilities. Clever marketers prey on that susceptibility by showing the consumer how much fun they could have – if they buy whatever the company is selling; it could be alcohol, or vacations, fast food, or even video games – ultimately, the advertisers create a need that the consumer feels they must fill. Those advocating the Party Scene have taken that one step further and are selling an entire lifestyle.

For example, as more and more casinos have cropped up nationwide, we have seen an increasing numbers of advertising campaigns touting gambling as the latest and greatest trend in the entertainment industry. As Mark D. Griffiths (Ph.D.) explains in his articles Gambling Advertising and Marketing, excitement, glitz, and – best of all – winnings, are practically guaranteed in every television commercial; these get-rich-quick-and-live-the-life-you’ve-always-dreamed-of promotions gloss over some of the true threats present in the Party Scene: the high odds of losing when gambling, the associated evils of alcohol and drug consumption, and a belittling of the values of hard work and financial preparation for the future.

While the lure of a temporary escape is powerful in this age of overworked, overtired and underappreciated employees, it behooves the consumer to remember that such escapes truly are temporary and that, while the occasional wild weekend may not cause any harm, abandoning one’s duty to join the party scene will inevitability do more harm than good.